Saturday, June 15, 2013

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

Hello and welcome to my blog!!!  This blog is dedicated to tying streamers of all sizes, mainly big and finding those trout that don't like to show their face to often.  I plan on providing you will step by step tutorials or videos of me tying streamers, fishing outing reports, and anything that has to do with hunting for those big mysterious trout.  I also plan on having some sort of fly store that you can purchase some of my favorite streamers.

I have been tying for 10 years now, (most of my college years were spent at the vise or river and not at class), and I love being innovative creating new patterns or hijacking someone else's pattern and adding a new twist.  I am constantly looking for that magical new bug that is going to consistently bring in the big dogs. 

Streamers are what I fish 95% of my days on the water.  Here in Montana you always have a chance at landing one of those mutant trout when you are chucking meat! Many of my streamers that I throw are those ones that are so big and heavy that you need to watch yourself on the back cast or you are likely to have a new piercing, but I am a strong believer in the bigger the pattern the bigger the fish.  Therefore, I fish those 5-8 inch patterns a lot!

I am really excited to provide you some great patterns that I have, and I hope they inspire you!  I am going to start you off light in a few days, giving you one of my smaller flies that I fish, the Banshee!

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